A Pelvic Health Physical Therapy Practice
Specializing in Treating Pain, Urinary, Bowel and Sexual Dysfunction
One on One Treatment Sessions with Dr. Katie Henson PT, DPT, BCB-PMD, LPF-CT
In office appointments are held in a private treatment room in a safe, clean and relaxing environment. Sessions are 60-90 minutes of 1:1 time where you will be listened to and treated with skill and compassion.
Follow this link to view Dr. Henson’s YouTube playlist of videos on her practice and services: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOed7hH0hQdsrJxZg0wS2-BLxDQyiA5g7
We offer a free 15 minute consultation in person or over the phone. This time is used for answering your questions about your condition and the services we offer.
Body in Rhythm Physical Therapy and Wellness operates within the offices of Renaissance Health and Surgical Associates in South Pittsburg and Chattanooga, TN. Visits in the home are offered for select patients as well in Whitwell, Jasper, and South Pittsburg.

“Not everything that is faced can be changed. But nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
— James Baldwin